Exalting His Word
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Study His Word. Experience His Power. A longing to develop a deep and lasting relationship with God is the heart cry of Christians everywhere. Like the woman at the well, many are pleading with Him “give me this water” that I may never thirst again! Author Shelley Quinn reaches down into the heart of God’s Word and pulls from its depths many of the treasures hidden there. Like others who have hungered and thirsted after righteousness, Shelley discovered that the secret to having a deep and lasting relationship with God is found in the study of His Word. Each of the promises in God’s Word are His own precious gifts for you, and He is longing to pour out the riches of His grace on your life so that you, too, can be changed into His image. If your hearts desire is to experience God’s transforming power and to know His perfect will for your life, this book is for you.