Author Books
The Haystacks Church
Andy Nash explores issues that Adventists grapple with collectively. Male or female, young or old, vegan or omnivore, we’re in it together—haystacks.
Paper God
In Paper God, author Andy Nash shares the story of one man's passionate pursuit of his dream—and the crisis of faith that occurred when he allowed it to become all-consuming. This book reminds us all where our true and complete allegiance needs to be.
The Book of Matthew Adult Bible Study Guide 2Q 2016
Much like Mark, Luke, and John do, Matthew tells the story of Jesus’ life as a human: His death, His return to life, and His return to heaven. But Matthew also focuses strongly on the fact that Jesus is the Promised Messiah (Chosen Leader) sent from heaven.
The Book of Matthew Bible Book Shelf 2Q 2016
The Book of Matthew explores the life of Jesus as He walked and worked with 12 ordinary men. These lowly men were given the highest privilege in the world: the gospel ministry of Jesus Christ. And still, Jesus seeks those who would be colaborers with Him: men and women who will learn of Him and become like Him in mind and character.