Author Books
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The Abundant Life Bible Amplifier - Romans
The good news echoes through the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Romans. The first chapters deal with our sinfulness and need of mercy: We’ve all sinned and fallen short of God’s ideal. But Paul doesn’t leave us hanging. After pointing out our need, he goes on to write about God’s provision: through Jesus Christ, God makes salvation available to all.
Busy church members, pastors, teachers, and both beginning and seasoned Bible students will find the Abundant Life Bible Amplifier to be one of the most valuable, user-friendly study tools they’ve ever owned.
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A Day for Healing
A Day for Healing examines these miracles with the intent of helping Sabbath-keepers understand what Jesus was trying to teach us, and to demonstrate what the Sabbath is─and what it is not.

Finding Joy: Paul’s Encouraging Message to the Philippians
We can all use a little more joy in our lives. But how can we find joy in a world where so many bad things happen? When it comes to finding joy in difficult circumstances, the apostle Paul is an unrivaled expert! Despite Paul’s circumstances, joy is a central theme in his short letter to the Christians of Philippi. Read the letter, follow the commentary, and discover the secret of finding joy.

How to Survive Armageddon
Find the answers you have been searching for (and ones you never expected to find) in this Bible-based study that reveals the solid truths about the end-times.
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Love In Three Words
This little book is a thoughtful explanation of the importance of the Trinity. The author shows the reader that it is never enough merely to understand this doctrine.

Redemption in Romans
The 3Q2010 BBS answers in a simple, satisfying way, common questions about Romans. Jon Brunt reveals that Romans was written for the ordinary Christians, just like you and me, and that its main purpose is to show us how, as Christians, we should live our lives.