Author Books
![13 Life Changing Secrets](/covers/13_life_changing_secrets2x3pc.png)
13 Life Changing Secrets
Filled with Bible secrets that can make a difference in the lives of your friends and neighbors. They'll discover the peace of forgiveness, the joy of the Sabbath rest, the promise of heaven, the power of prayer, and urgent Bible truth for these last days.
![2000 and Beyond](/covers/2000 and Beyond (Mark Finley) (HTG) I Cover.jpg)
2000 and Beyond
Mark Finley, speaker of the It Is Written television program, tackles the hard questions about how to plan for life in the twenty-first century.
![The Church Triumphant: Called to a Prophetic Destiny](/covers/Church Triumphant(Mark Finley) E Cover.jpg)
The Church Triumphant: Called to a Prophetic Destiny
No matter how challenging the days ahead, no matter how dark the future becomes, no matter what difficulties the church goes through, Christ’s people, Christ’s church, Christ’s purposes, and Christ’s plan will triumph at last.
![Discover Jesus](/covers/Discover Jesus (Mark Finley)(HTG) E Cover.jpg)
Discover Jesus
Maybe you’ve had a desire to meet Jesus. Or, if you’ve already met Him, perhaps you want to know Him better. In this book, author Mark Finley invites you on a journey to the Holy Land to discover Jesus anew.
![End - Time Hope](/covers/end_time_hope[1].jpg)
End - Time Hope
The 2013 sharing book from Mark Finley offers encouragement and hope for all. Elder Finley shares the hope of the Second Coming in a new light--as an answer for the calamities happening daily around us (economic crisis, natural disasters, catastrophic events). He reveals the truth about some of the myths surrounding the role of Jerusalem in the last days, and looks at the post-second coming millenium and the end of sin.
![Making Friends for God (Bible Bookshelf) BBS 3Q 2020](/covers/Making Friends for God (BBS 3Q20 - Mark Finley) E.jpg)
Making Friends for God (Bible Bookshelf) BBS 3Q 2020
Join evangelist Mark Finley on a journey to discover the universal principles of sharing your faith with grace, love, and credibility by speaking from your heart’s own experience.
![Making Friends for God - Adult Bible Study Guide (EAQ) 3Q 2020](/covers/EAQ_Q3_2020 (Mark Finley) E.jpg)
Making Friends for God - Adult Bible Study Guide (EAQ) 3Q 2020
The Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide (Quarterly) links the entire world Church together in a global classroom. Written by a variety of authors, the study guide encourages personal time with God and His Word. Memory texts and key thoughts from the authors provide an opportunity for spiritual growth.
![Padded Pews or Open Doors](/covers/Padded Pews or Open Doors (M. Finley) I Cover.jpg)
Padded Pews or Open Doors
Padded Pews or Open Doors presents proven principles that can dramatically increase your effectiveness in soul winning.
![Revival and Reformation Adult Bible Study Guide 3Q 2013](/covers/Revival and Reform Adult BSG 3Q13.jpg)
Revival and Reformation Adult Bible Study Guide 3Q 2013
The Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide (Quarterly) links the entire world Church together in a global classroom. Written by a variety of authors, the Adult study guide encourages personal time with God and His Word. Memory texts and key thoughts from the authors provide an opportunity for spiritual growth.
The Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide (Quarterly) links the entire world Church together in a global classroom. Written by a variety of authors, the Adult study guide encourages personal time with God and His Word. Memory texts and key thoughts from the authors provide an opportunity for spiritual gr - See more at:
![Revival For Mission Bible Book Shelf 3Q 2013](/covers/Revival for Mission (Mark Finley).jpg)
Revival For Mission Bible Book Shelf 3Q 2013
If your heart yearns for something deeper, if you’re no longer satisfied with the status quo, if you long to be filled with the Holy Spirit and to grow spiritually, read on—this book is for you. Get the most out of your weekly study with this expansion of the 3rd quarter lesson study.
![Revive Us Again](/covers/0816324506.jpg)
Revive Us Again
As a direct response to the new General Conference president's mandate to emphasize revival within the Adventist church, Revive Us Again does not present some new startling, sensational information on revival and the Holy Spirit. But it leads the reader through God’s Word and the writings of Ellen G. White to life changing spiritual principles. As you read, open your mind to the deep moving of the Holy Spirit and place yourself in an atmosphere of spiritual renewal.
![Satisfied: How God Can Meet Your Deepest Needs](/covers/Satisfied (Mark Finley) E cover.jpg)
Satisfied: How God Can Meet Your Deepest Needs
In this brief but concentrated little book, Pastor Mark Finley of It Is Written Television points to the one and only way any of us can ever become truly satisfied.
![Solid Ground](/covers/2c8PheEC.jpg)
Solid Ground
This daily devotional is filled with inspirational true-life stories and personal testimonies from heroes of faith throughout history. You will meet transformed men and women whose love for God led them beyond failure to spiritual success. Start your day on solid ground with these powerful stories.
![The Thought Makers](/covers/Thought Makers, The (Mark Finley) I Cover.jpg)
The Thought Makers
This book clearly exposes the deadly errors of three major philosophical systems espoused by millions—Darwinian evolution, Freudian psychology, and Marxist communism.
![Three Cosmic Messages - 2Q 2023 Bible Bookshelf](/covers/Three Cosmic Messages 2Q23 BBS I.jpg)
Three Cosmic Messages - 2Q 2023 Bible Bookshelf
The world is reaching a tipping point. Both the godless and the God-fearing sense it. Against this chaotic backdrop, Three Cosmic Messages draws the curtain aside on the final showdown between good and evil. Even now the world’s attention is being drawn to the three angels of Revelation 14. Their messages are clear and unmistakable; worship God or be forever lost.
![Three Cosmic Messages - Adult Bible Study Guide 2Q 2023](/covers/EAQ_2Q23 I.jpg)
Three Cosmic Messages - Adult Bible Study Guide 2Q 2023
One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson is arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.
![Three Cosmic Messages - Ellen G. White Notes 2Q 2023](/covers/EWN_2Q23 I.jpg)
Three Cosmic Messages - Ellen G. White Notes 2Q 2023
One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson is arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.
![Understanding the Sanctuary](/covers/Understanding the Sanctuary (Mark Finley) I.jpg)
Understanding the Sanctuary
In Understanding the Sanctuary, discover the huge cost of sin, the importance of confession, the concept of a Substitute, the purpose of the Intercessor, the cleansing power of the blood of Jesus, and much more. Pull back the veil to understand every ritual and element of the sanctuary and its associated services, feasts, and festivals. Emerge with a clear understanding of the sanctuary’s place among the Israelites and its importance for God’s people today.
![When God Said Remember](/covers/0816323526.jpg)
When God Said Remember
From Mark Finley on the Sabbath, this small book asks and answers questions about the Bible Sabbath, its origins, its history, and its relevance today. Quantity Pricing Available!